Wednesday, 6 November 2019

List of major preprints servers - where to go

The most well-known preprint server is probably arXiv (pronounced like ‘archive’). It started as a server for preprints in physics and has since expanded out to various subjects, including mathematics, computer science, and economics. The arXiv server is now run by the Cornell University Library and contains 1.37 million preprints so far.

Resultado de imagen de preprints"

The Open Science Framework provides an open-source framework to help researchers and institutions set up their own preprint servers. One such example is SocArXiv for the Social Sciences. On their website, you can browse more than 2 million preprints, including preprints on arXiv, and many of them have their own preprint digital object identifier (DOI). In cases where the preprint has now been published it also links to the publication’s DOI.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory set up bioaRxiv, a preprint server for Biology in 2013 to complement arXiv. The bioaRxiv server has a direct transfer service to several journals such as Science and PNAS and a bit over 60% of papers in bioaRxiv end up published in peer-reviewed journals.

In more recent years a lot of new servers have popped up covering almost every field including the social sciences, arts, and humanities fields. Here’s a quick overview of some of the rest:

arXiv -> Mathematics, Computer science, and economics, Physics
EngrXiv - Engineering
ChemRxiv - Chemical sciences
PsyArXiv - Psychological sciences
SportaRxiv - Sport and exercise science
PaleoarXiv - Paleontology
LawArXiv - Law
AgriXiv - Agricultural sciences
NutriXiv - Nutritional sciences
MarXiv - Ocean and marine-climate sciences
EarthArXiv - Earth sciences - Arts & Humanities, Behavioral Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Materials Science, Mathematics & Computer Science, Medicine &, Pharmacology, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences

More detail list: 

Start date
Unique identifiers
License(s) used
Formats for submission
Formats published
Owned/operated by
AgriXivAgriculture15/02/2017CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
AuthoreaAnyUnclearAuthorea editorHTMLAuthorea
Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social SciencesSocial Sciences03/07/2017CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
bioRxivBiologyDOICreative commons or no reusePDF, WordPDFCold Spring Harbor Laboratory
CERN document serverParticle physicsPDFAs submittedCERN
ChinaXivAll01/01/2016ChinaXiv IDNot specified on all articlesPDFChinese Academy of Sciences
CogprintsPsychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, BiologyRecords back to 1950ID codeVarious, not specified for all articlesAnyAny (usually PDF)School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton?
CORE repositoryLanguages30/06/2005DOIAny Creative CommonsPDF Modern Languages Associate (MLA) and the Center for Digital Research and Scholarship at Columbia University
Cryptology ePrint ArchiveCryptology18/06/2005URLCC BYPDFInternational Association for Cryptologic Research
EarthArXivEarth Sciences25/10/2017DOIOpen Science Framework
E-lisLibrary and information science24/06/2005Record numbersCopyright retained by authors, license not specified on all papersAnyAny"Federico II" University of Naples (Italy)
Electronic Colloquium on Computational ComplexityComputer Science16/06/2005Year/article numberNot specific on all papersLaTeXPDFWeizmann Institute of Science
engrxivEngineering27/07/2016CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
INA-RxivAll22/08/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
LawArxivLaw01/05/2017Open Science Framework
LIA Scholarship ArchiveLibrarian and information science12/07/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
LingBuzzLinguistics24/06/2005lingbuzz identifierNot defined, authors retain copyrightPDFPDFHosted by the University of Tromso
MindRxivmind and contemplative practices09/07/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
NutriXivNutrition sciences24/08/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
OSF preprintsAll29/08/2016CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
PaleorXivPaleontology24/08/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
PeerJ preprintsBiological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Health Sciences and Computer Sciences04/04/2013DOICC BYPDFPDFPeerJ
Preprints.orgAll05/03/2016DOICC BYWord, LaTeXPDFMDPI
PsyArXivPsychology15/08/2016CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
SocArxivSocial Sciences13/07/2016CC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
SportRxivsport science21/08/2017DOICC0, CC BY, no licenseAnyAnyOpen Science Framework
SSRNSocial Sciences16/06/2005abstract numberNot definedPDFPDFElsevier
TherapoidTherapeutics02/08/2017DOINot clear??PDFOpen Therapeutics
ZenodoAll24/08/2011DOIEssentially anyAny (up to 50 GB)AnyOpen Aire/CERN

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