Saturday, 17 March 2018

Big Data: Is not only a fancy/catchy name

The field of biomedical research has a new trend to use fancy terms in the title of papers/grants in order to attract the attention of reviewers, journals and grant agencies. Amount others are: large-scale, complete map, draft, landscape, deep, full, and Big Data. Figure 1 shows the exponential use of these words in pubmed articles.

Figure 1: Number of mentions of specific terms in pubmed by years.

I will stop here to discuss the term Big data.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Data Visualization: Plots You Should be Using More

Inspired by this blog post

1- Parallel Coordinates — A parallel coordinates graph arrays multiple variables alongside one another with each scaled from highest to the lowest value (highest at the top, lowest at the bottom) and with lines connecting each entity’s position for each variable, horizontally across the graph. Due to a large number of cases represented, it is often presented using an interactive view where individual lines can be selected and highlighted.